Second hands shop Tsukuba | Kanteikyoku Tsukuba is selling many second hands items
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The largest pawn shop in Ibaraki Prefecture
Hi 🙂
We are Kanteikyoku Tsukuba.
Kanteikyoku Tsukuba is the second hands shop in Tsukuba city.
BUT Kanteikyoku Tsukuba is not just any second hands shop !!!!!!!!!!!!
You can purchase more than 5000 brand goods in Kanteikyoku Tsukuba.
Kanteikyoku Tsukuba is selling not only brand items of second hands but also off-barand items of second hands.
A pink signboard
is a landmark of Kanteikyoku Tsukuba.
How do you think of the second hands shop and second hands?
Dirty? A dark place?
If you think so, that is a misunderstanding at Kanteikyoku tsukuba.
Kanteikyoku Tsukuba is not just any second hands shop.
Kanteikyoku Tsukuba is a clean second hans shop.
In addition, Kanteikyoku Tsukuba is handling clean second hands items.
Kanteikyoku Tsukuba is ranking second hands items.
There are 4 grade: S rank, A rank, B rank, C rank.
S rank is like newness.
The photo below is a S rank secondhands item.
It is very clean !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have no chice but to buy it because it is not only clean but also cheap 🙂
Kanteikyoku Tsukuba is handling many jewelry.
Ring, Neckrace, Bracelet, Gold, Platinum, Silver….
Besides this, Kanteikyoku Tsukuba is handling clean purse, bag and clock.
How is it?
Has the image of pawn shops changed?
Please come over Kanteikyoku Tsukuba and glom the view with your own eyes 🙂
質屋かんてい局つくば店 [つくば市松代/リサイクル]【いばナビ】