
Jewelry fair opening ! Birthstones and fingers to wear have meaning! Kantei kyoku Natori Pawnshop Sendai city, Natori city, Kakuda city, Shiroishi city, Minami Souma city | Miyagi prefecture

Hello everyone!sun

We are greetings from Kantei kyoku Natori Pawn shop

Today i'm going to introduce 

Birthstones and fingers to wear have meaning!

We lined up jewelries 300 items over.

Especially, there are many kinds of rings,

not only diamonds also lined up color stones!

「If you think there are so many kinds of jewelry.

That I don't know how to choose?」wobblysign02

At that time, we would like you to refer to the

"meaning of birthstone " and "meaning of wearing fingers"

In fact, for each It has a decent meaning.lovely

I will introduce the meaning.

Please read until the end happy01

Meaning of birthstone


Birthstones are gems that are associated with a birth month,

each stone has a unique meaning and significance.

It is said that blessing can be obtained by wearing 

the jewel of the monts you were born.


Although there is a culture of birthstones all over the world

It maybe little different type depends on the country.

This time, i would like to introduce about 

some typical birthstones that are used in Japan.


JANUARY : GARNET 「truth」「fidelity」「friendship」


FEBRUARY : AMETHYST 「sincere」「noble」


MARCH : AQUAMARINE 「courage」「happiness」「wealth」


APRIL : DIAMOND 「pure and purity」「strength」「endless love」


MAY : EMERALD「fortune」「blessedness」「hope」


JUNE : PEARL or ALEXANDRITE 「health」「wealth」


JULY : RUBY「passion」「dignity」「charity」


AUGUST : PERIDOT「Marital harmony and happiness」


SEPTEMBER : SAPPHIRE「sincerely」「kindness」

tourmaline.jpg opal.jpg

OCTOBER : TOURMALINE or OPAL「delight」「accessibility」「andurance」

topaz.jpg citrine.jpg

NOVEMBER : TOPAZ or CITRINE「friendship」「innocence」「aspiration」

tanzanite.jpg  blue zircon.jpgのサムネイル画像 turqouise.jpg

DECEMBER : TANZANITE , BLUE ZIRCON, TURQOUISE 「proud」「mystery」「serenity」


Meaning of wearing fingers

Not only gemstones , and also fingers you can wear is meaningful. 
Right and left hand are different meaning , i'll talk about each one.
name of the fingers.jpg
Right : responsibility and leathership can be obtained.
You cna demonstrate leadership.
Left : stick to your beliefs, break through the obstacles, repel adversity.
Index finger 
Right :improve concentration and action.
Left : improve the ability to act positively.
Middle finger 
Right : protect yourself from evil.
Left : improve cooeration and intuition, you can communicate.
Ring finger 
Right : mental stability, you can show your own personality.
Left : Deepen love and ties.
Little finger 
Right : show your charm, increase sociability.
Left : make your wish come true.
The design and size you will choose change by the finger what you wear.
That's why, when you decide which finger you want to wear 
it will be easier to choose. flair
If you think 「I want to be like this…」wear a ring on your finger
i hope you going in the right direction.happy01heart04


Thank you for reading. How was today's topic ?
If you have any other concerns,
Please feel free to ask at the our shop or by phone!
I'm looking forward to seeing you again here!


                     Buy  Pawn  Sell 

Questions and inquiries → ☎: 022-797-8710


There is staff member in our shop that can give service in English.

Please note in some cases staff is absent let us know the possible dates beforehand.


Kantei kyoku Natori Store・Information
Questions about pawn shop
It is useful to borrow money
①There is no examination
②There is no repayment obligation
③There is no reminder forcibly take
Because you can borrow and buy and sell with confidence,
If you can utilize it, the pawn shop is a very encouraging.
About : If you want to sell valuable items to our shop and Pawn shop

Questions & consultation
【Important Notice】Business hours change
Business hours :10:00~18:00 
(want to sell items・pawn shop Last reception until 17:30)
※Every Wednesday is a regular holiday.

Please add friend Kantei kyoku Natori Store LINE【Add Friend】
Overseas Money Transfer「Western Union」available!
Kantei kyoku Natori store is few in Miyagi Prefecture
Overseas money transfer Western Union introduced agent shop
You can send money from Japan to overseas by Western Union's money transfer service.
「Send to cash」「Receive to cash」
We use these two services in our shop.
We also inquiries by telephone.

From Sendai city 30 minutes by car

By train line number 4 to Natori City Hall 

Beside The au Natori shop

Free Parking

Address downdowndowndowndown

